I have never had children, had just pets. Some people ask me if I did not lose their children, and my answer is that I had children, the only difference is they bark or meow instead of talk, and have four legs instead of two.
Since I wrote this book for my two small dogs and Kenji Cino magnification son around the house with my nickname bubbles honored, because it is a lot to visit. They are all boys and nothing else but to play together. They have moreToys> than you might imagine, and after a meeting together, there are toys from one end of the house on the opposite side. Now I like a tidy house, but nothing I like better than watching these guys have a good time.
When I take the three of them for a walk that move in unison and all sinuous completely stopped at the sight of a light pole or tree, where all have their fragrance can trot back with me often in tow. I recently bought the sweater and all correspondencetheir eyes walking down the street seems to bring out the best in people as they say and how they are pretty smile.
As children, they may lack true, but if I were in the eye and love for her, I soon forget how bubbles momentarily forgot his toilet training and Kenji is me that is true thief stole a table my credit card coffee and is hidden somewhere in the house. You are the light of my life and I would not change for all the tea in Chinaalthough there are times when I sat a little girl with a pink bow in her hair Maltese by my side as we see both of my boys dream demolish the house.
My other three children were fascinated by the Egyptians and always impress me with their independently. Lulu, Panda and Romeo are all rescue cats and, except for Lulu to go along very well with my boy dog. As I enjoy my cats at night a curfew had always fought for my next boyfriend Romeo Blackto wear. Romeo is definitely a lover not a fighter, like trips to the vet in surgery have led some head high intensity. He is an absolutely beautiful boy, actually I think a lot of ladies would do their friends like Romeo, who was certainly living up to that name was given.
I have five children and when he hides in his bed at night are very happy to be part of my life. They give me unconditional love and loyalty is not always a few people saw. so II know I am truly blessed by these guys, I call my children loved.
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