Last weekend I painted my daughters room. I washed the walls are washed and washed, painted the four walls ... twice and then discover that the color enough to get my nerve endings has been set on fire! One would have thought, I thought, challenged before I have finished all the walls, but the color of course. So I started again, this time with a new pot in a low voice, which had been duly sanctioned by my daughter. Great! However, as I waved my brush back and forthRadio plays, I started a program that is so fascinating to me is the color leaving at the end of my brush listing and description for the belt failed. As if I do not clean enough! I digress. The man will be interviewed and forgive me, I forget his name, was talking about children, and how different it was now growing, instead of what he called the "good old days."
Well, depending on how old you are, are these good old times probably vary, but what he was trying to getat was the difference in the way we lived then and the freedom we had as children. He remembered his childhood in the early hours of the morning, returning briefly for lunch and then disappear again, lost in a fantasy world. I had such wonderful experiences, insert the narrow streets of our country, crossing rivers, climbing trees and my favorite always, watching a house in my view, contains a group of thieves was art. Ok, so my imagination was not obviouslySorry, but there are many children today are much the Game Boy or Game Barbie has to be good for them.
I do not care what nobody says. These products kill the imagination. They are ok, but in small doses can count on them and die for your child's imagination, like a plant refused water. It 's the same for television. I used to build forts woods. Children are now lucky if they can out of their yard without mom and dad in tow, in search of their best businessInterest.
There is a risk of letting their children explore. Nothing in this world is without risk, but I would much my children to live the life growing in a plastic bubble. Has The media, unfortunately, contributed to a generation of parents afraid to let children take because the perception of Their Risks dangers of the outside world to build their door. You can not climb trees because they might fall, can not venture to the local park because they could bekidnapped. If you could give too much trust in this "success", begins to behave as a parent while driving. They make you fear and suspicion of the world around you. Then the games that offer security has become so much more attractive. After all, is a low risk in the electronic world of the Game Boy and Barbie. Hesitate too long and that's all for you and you will never know.
And 'that many of you allow your children to experience their environment are obtained. Parentsnot mean to throw all caution to the wind, but it means that the assessment activities on the basis of perceived risk than actual fear. As difficult as it is, it is important to let your children dip their toes into the world around them and learn the skills necessary to grow as independent adults. Let them build forts, climbing trees and scraping knees. Bring them to trust their instincts and evaluate their own risks and is available again. It is not easy, but will always be grateful.
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