Have you ever bought your child a new expensive toy, only to discover that he spends more time playing with the box was?
Babies have an amazing ability in the simple things in life and sink to create worlds from their imagination. relaxation in this magical age, almost everything is brand new, and we can and we know that our treatment of our children, young people, particularly for simple repetitive tasks, the development and strengthening of their love for learning.The key is simply to keep and spend a lot of time allowing them to explore their own pace.
Here are some activities that are simple and inexpensive to enjoy with your child:
Outdoor activities for children
Young children love to be outside. Often, children want (and need) time to play freely, but here are some ideas for those times when the child involved in the game that you want to:
Blow bubbles, as small children hunting. Stroke and bubbles. SeeSo as nothing to something and then being taken away by the wind. Splash-proof containers are ideal for small children, especially when they are out hunting for their bubble creations. Young children love it when you blow bubbles too. Try the bubbles or challenge your child to watch the counting, how many can get them.
See the clouds. Lie on your back and find all the shapes in the clouds.
Drawing with sidewalk chalk. These blocks are perfect thickness of plasterfor small hands, and are good for an engine suitable for a child is fine, too. Allow your child to create drawings of their own creation. Or write the child's name in block letters and asks you to color inside is also possible to draw a blurry line on the sidewalk for your child to walk along. Or take a story like you on the sidewalk of a child who is out for adventure in the world, and show the various parts of the story as you go.
Take a walk in the vastWorld. A simple walk in the neighborhood to give the child the opportunity to engage with the world outside his home. As you follow the same path over and over again, they begin forming a plan for their neighborhood. Over time this will bring you comfort that comes from knowing that "almost home".
Young children love to walk in the woods. All that nature has to offer, such as rocks, sticks and leaves, are wonderful facilities maintenance and control. If you take the timeallow a child to explore the forest, she is a candidate for the treatment of the same - as a lesson in patience. A child can be a simple power Clock for what may seem like hours. As you walk, you put a piece of transparent tape, sticky on one side, loosely based on the child's wrist. If you have small items that would document their journey, find out if its points of mica, beautiful leaves, pine needles, or dried, can lead to its natural bracelet. When he returned home, the seal taken froma piece of tape on top.
Think like a child. As you enjoy time with your child, try to imagine what things look like from his point of view. Young children enjoy the simple things, especially when this information again and again. For example, little children, just count the steps up to five or ten, and start again. Amano hello to the dog itself (or rose bush or large rock or open field) that you happen to say about each walk. They like to hop over cracks in a bidSidewalk. What did you do to be happy as a child? If you can not remember, ask your parents or other adults who have spent time with you, and make a point of simple tasks of life with their child's own tissues.
Indoor activities for kids
Read. Reading opens the imagination of a young child, and fosters a love of books, opening his success in his school years. Read to your child when you get a chance. Take weekly trips to get to the library, new booksand enjoy audiobooks. Present your child in the books from your early childhood memories. And make sure your child sees that enjoying a good book out now and then.
Every time he sings he sings a baby, are those concepts seems likely. Sing simple songs, like the alphabet song or songs that are stupid life you live. Children love having their own special songs. See if you can a song to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, featuring your childName and some of the things you love most about him.
Car games and activities for children
magnetic tablet. You can use an old metal tray or buy a magnetic box finished at the toy store with these shells can. Alphabet and some magnets to play with young children, as well as magnetic paper dolls. Another good way is to use a magnetic tray to print images of family and magnets hold.
Travel Songs. Singing songs in the car is another important activityIt takes time. Once again, the repetition of the key. Sing the same song every time you and your child will begin a trip to the store, for example.
History of appetizers. Start a story and then ask your child or preschool child in the gaps here and there to fill. For example, you can "Start", "Once upon a time there was a dog named: ____" (Ask the child to the dog's name.). And the dog went to ____." This is great if you have a mix of ages, too. Older children can be verystupid story, and your child can even dumber than it is your turn.
Do not be afraid to do the same thing twice. The key to educational games at this age is in repetition. Children's brains make new connections, see and hear something over and over again. That's why there children the same video, listen to the same song in the car, and want to go through the same routine of going to sleep every night.
As parents sometimes worry if our children are alwaysinsufficient attention, stimulation and entertainment. Often the games are very small, the simplest and least expensive - especially if taken at a natural pace and the child with someone they love.
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