In welcoming a newborn into a family it is traditional to present the child with a gift. In many households the presentation of a baby receiving blanket makes for the appropriate endowment as infants are too small to play with toys and have the need to be wrapped up to keep them warm and secure in their parents arms. From the time that they are first born babies are susceptible to all manner of germs and are very sensitive to temperature after spending their fetal development in the 98 degree amniotic fluid within the womb. Once exposed to the air the small offspring will shiver and need to be toweled off and clothed in a diaper before being lovingly enveloped inside a receiving blanket.
After leaving the hospital it is important to keep a supply of blankets on hand to not only secure the bundle of joy, but to have as a burp cloth that comes in handy when the infant has finished eating and needs to be patted on the back to release any oxygen bubbles that were swallowed along with their formula. Because vomiting sometimes accompanies the escaping air it becomes necessary to use a barrier between clothing and the spit up as any young parent can tell you. With only the concerns of eating, sleeping and pooping to worry about, babies rely on their parents to provide everything that they need as they grow, and by being protected from the elements the precious little bundles can tend to their duties as comfortably as possible while they are securely wrapped up in their baby receiving blankets.
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