Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cozy Coupe Lasts Through the Generations of Kids Toys

The instantly recognisable yellow and red children's ride in car, most kids from the last thirty odd years will remember it extremely well. When discussing with some friends recently, they actually didn't know that the iconic car was called a Cozy Coupe, I really thought the name was common knowledge. The bubble shaped car is still to this day a main feature in houses, play schools and kids creches.

Developed by the US based Little Tikes company, the Cozy Coupe ride on car was first available to buy in 1970. This was the first ever children's moulded plastic ride on car in America, and it proved to be a huge worldwide success. Little Tikes has since sold over 6 million units of the adorable Cozy Coupe, various different models are now available in the range. The car was so successful that in 1991 it actually out sold all real road cars in the US.

The classic bubble shape design of the Cozy Coupe has stuck with us over the years, but a new model of the car was introduced in 1998. The red and yellow frame remained, but the Cozy Coupe II came packed with new features. Little Tikes had added a new front roof and given the car an audio remote control, which play audio clips for beeping, unlocking and starting the car engine. As expected, the new model in the series continued to be a top selling kids toys, with sales doubling the average units sold over the next 5 months.

After 30 years on the market, Little Tikes decided it was the right time to bring out a new version of the car, the 30th anniversary edition was introduced in 2009. Of course the classic red and yellow design stayed, but we also got a new pink version, as well as a new Police Patrol version. The anniversary edition features a happy smile face on the front of the car, a removable floor and extra storage units at the back.

The Cozy Coupe was a big part of my childhood, and I really hope it continues to bring happiness to young children around the world for many years to come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Profit and Social Deterioration

Big Bubbles Burst

For the past many decades corporations have continually increased their marketing intensity, leap-frogging back and forth with the competition. It has been a contest to achieve a bigger profit than the other guys by aggressively selling more to the consumer. The rules have been lax as tricks and traps have become common in many areas of business.

This constant pressure to buy has created a society that is always striving to acquire more expensive goods and services. Bigger and better cars and homes, trendier clothes, excessive toys and gadgets have been the personal desires and 'accomplishments' so many seek. Often it is with extended debt. In the richer countries citizens have accumulated excessively and unabated for many years, all to the tune of persuasive advertising.

At some point in time consumers will have had enough. They will become dissatisfied with questionable corporate selling methods and inferior purchases, much of which turned out to be unneeded or perhaps useless or even harmful. They will begin to regret the life stresses used in the processes of acquiring those things which do not make for a better life.

In very recent years there has been a backlash slowly arising. The serious issue of global warming has increased attention to this over-consumption which creates mountains of waste and pollution and takes away from a basic contented lifestyle.

Restoring normalcy to the artificial aspects of our society will involve less commercialism. Outlawing excessive and deceptive advertising would be a good start towards long term social healing. Imagine the changes if there were strict regulations in place, with goods and services purchased more wisely, out of necessity or by word-of-mouth recommendation.

Marketing and consumerism are due for severe trimming, in this decade or perhaps much further on. Profits will shrink, businesses will suffer and markets will drop as we begin to return to a more natural existence.

Sooner or later, gently over time, or more quickly and harshly.